

(This is a picture of the pathway I took to get to an old Roman amphitheater ruin in the Swiss countryside.)

Oh, life and how it gets away from me. After a short trip to Switzerland, I'm officially back from my internship at the Scottish Parliament. As always, it was weird getting back into the swing of things, but I moved into my new apartment this last weekend and I finally feel set.

I also feel set with school now too. I was crazy busy right after getting back because I had to finish my internship classes. That meant a lot of essay writing and editing, including a 22-page policy recommendation paper on "Nuclear Disarmament in an Independent Scotland." I made up the topic. And I loved it. I also got an A on it. I'm pretty much legit. So now that I'm caught up with my 3 new spring classes, I can focus on getting a job. Too bad I can definitely guarantee it wont be as awesome as my job back in Edinburgh...

As you may have noticed, I renovated my blog. I really needed to do it and I love the way it's turned out. It feels clean, simple, and fresh - the way I want to live my life right now.  I hope to be back blogging more often. Well no, I don't hope, I commit to actually doing it. And for simplicities sake, if you want to get updates about when I have a new post, put your email in that little space at the end of the right column and hit submit.

So for now, this ^ lovely campus is where you'll find me, especially on the 2nd floor in the library. I hope to visit Boise sooner rather than later and spend time with all my family and friends that I haven't seen since the beginning of the year. Also, I need to get them their souvenirs soon or else I will end up eating all their Scottish shortbread and Swiss chocolate I brought back. And I wouldn't want to do that...