

(picture taken of Bucktown by me, in Chicago)
-To consider something thoughtfully-

And so begins a new series where every Monday, I'll share some sort of inspirational thought. Mondays need this sort of thing, I think. 

“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is certainly something I will be thinking about this week. Too often I let my problems be the main focus of my life. I let them determine how I plan my days; how I act in different circumstances. But no longer! It's time for a change. From now on, I will work on planning my days around things that make me feel appreciative, breathless, and captivated. And I will focus on the positives. Because there are many. I will live in the moment and be led by God, my personal values, and my passions.

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