

-The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion-

I'm beginning another series. Every once and a while I will share a song, or songs, that I can't get enough of. This week Keane is my focus.

I have loved Keane since I was 11 years old when their first album, Hopes and Fears, came out. Three guys- a singer, a piano player, and a drummer. Perfection. Oh, and they're British -- perfection times perfection! I grew up with Keane, so much so, that every one of their songs reminds me of a different time in my life, a different memory. They've added a band mate in the past couple years and their music has evolved a little since Hopes and Fears but they're still the Keane I know and love. And this next Tuesday I finally get to see them in concert! I could not be more excited! I will probably be hyperventilating by the time they come out on stage...at which point, I really hope I don't pass out because I want to actually see and hear them live.

Sovereign Light Cafe is a single from their new album that came out on May 12th. So very good. I would write you a list of my favorite Keane songs but I literally love all of them. Definitely go check out a few more.

Summer concerts are fantastic, but to me, this is going to be the best of them all!


C'est La Vie said...

i'm super impressed with your blogging, seriously very few people know what they are doing here haha
i just learned something sweet if you want and i thought i'd share cuz your blog looks good :)
it's how to make your favicon, i just did mine but it takes like 12 hours to show up. super easy, go here:


Brea Davies said...

Thanks so much Sara! I've worked hard on it :) As Im sure you have on yours!
Oh and thanks for that tip, thats really very cool. I'll definitely be making one!

Amber Davis said...

Great addition to your blog Breanna....I am so excited that you get to finally see them in concert! Love you lots...Mom